10 points how to Stay Calm


 Mastering the Art of Staying Calm in    Disturbing Work Situations and Beyond


1. Be quiet in all relationships

 Be quiet Wisdom is not limited to the workplace; It is the principle of all relationships. Not just at work, but with friends, family, etc. 

Maintain peace in your conversations. Believe me, it is more beneficial to you, to your mental and physical fitness.

 You will notice after some that it works.

2. Recognize the Universality of Calm

Recognize that calmness is not essential in the workplace; 

This is a life skill. Use the principles of tolerance to improve the relationship, especially with yourself and then that of others and promote understanding and harmony.


3. Choosing Calm Over Turbulence

When dealing with disturbed people, choose the high ground, both in your professional life and in your personal life.

 This option ensures that your relationship will be rewarding rather than stressful.

4. Conserve Energy to solve endless problems

Explore the idea of saving energy to solve problems in your relationship.

  Negative reactions release valuable energy that can be better spent   Solving problems and building relationships.


5. Don't get angry everywhere

Avoid the temptation to get angry everywhere in your work and life.  Anger issues are universal and can affect your body and mind no matter the situation.

You are not responsible for other people's bad moods. They are facing their challenges. On the other side, they need help but they don't know about that.

 Sometimes ignorance is the solution to that problem. Believe in yourself and your abilities.

 If you are on the wrong side, admit your fault. This action will be helpful for your peace of heart

 But don't allow others to crush your mind. 

6. Improving Mental Health and Stress  Globally

Understanding your mental and emotional health is important not only in the professional world but also in your relationship.

 Before good to create a healthy, complete life.


7. Protect your personal life with etiquette

It is a very important point of my guide.

Etiquette protects your image and can also protect your relationships.

 Choose good over bad to protect your relationship from the effects of negative influences.

8. Be professional in every interaction

Bring the meaning of professionalism into your life. 

How your  response toward  challenges determines your attitude,

 and staying calm no matter the situation shows professionalism.

9. Share your struggles outside of the workplace 

Share not only the struggles in your work life but also the struggles in your life.

 Face challenges with humility and show that you can overcome life's challenges with grace.

10. Global wisdom to keep you calm

After all, staying calm means more than just surviving at work; This is a universal skill.

 Apply these principles to all your relationships and create a life filled with understanding, patience, and kindness.


In summary, remember that your reactions determines whether you will experience at uncomfortable workplace in your life.

 By being calm and positive, you can solve problems with kindness, protect your physical and mental health, and get out of depression better than before.

Staying calm is the driving force behind our response to depression.

By Sidrah Aslam

Email: sidrahmurad123@gmail.com


High School Teacher 

M.A. in Education and Islamic Studies, Punjab University, Pakistan.

Certified Educator

Passionate about facilitating  positive learning environment.

Creative Writing and Freelancing Courses, DigiSkills Virtual University 

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