When I Met My Past

   When I Met My Past  

 On the park track, I run with the lark’s song,

Melody weaving, as  memories danced along,

My heart was  much  pounding,

Something strange was stirring.


I sat down in the park,

To take a brief rest and hark.

With closed eyes, I took a deep breath,

And memories played on the screen.


Beside me, a little girl, an elf in the sun.

Chirping birds,floral scents, a dance began.

I was there with my 15-years-old self,

 Emotions are flown on memory's shelf.


 Her sparkled eyes made me recall,

Though in the far past, she still stood tall.

My younger self had a magical look,

Made surroundings musical like a brook.


 Echoed voices of siblings and mom,

Remained  my soul and blood warm.

A tiny girl visioned me, as her future,

A lady at peace, with calmed nature.


 How our fears turned to endurance ,

Little elf thought, with patience.

We parted with a promise, sincere and true,

To strengthen ourselves a love anew .


 How joyful it is! To look back on days,

Where innocence danced, in life's maze.

Pitch of laughter and familial song,

In the textile of time where we belong.


 Countless hours with Lill elf, so dear,

Bridging past to present, crystal clear.

 promise we made, a timeless tether,

Love's bond  growing stronger than ever.

By Sidrah Aslam

Creative Writer

Email: sidrahmurad123@gmail.com


High School Teacher 

M.A. in Education and Islamic Studies, Punjab University, Pakistan.

Certified Educator

Passionate about facilitating  positive learning environment.

Creative Writing and Freelancing Courses, DigiSkills Virtual University 


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