

O God

 O' God

Bestow upon me thy celestial light 

Make me as the sun, radiant and bright

In purity's embrace, in spirit so free

A vessel of gratitude, dancing in glee


Mold my existence, O guiding force divine

For love's sweet sake, for  the best  mine

As a poet shapes verses, I mould my days

In every step of life, in thankful  praise


Grant me the grace to navigate life's maze

I was  guided by sign’s rays

  My soul wants to rise , like a bird’s flight

With your command, be all things so right


As the moon adores the night with a gentle glow

May your love, like a river, forever  flow

With each heartbeat, a rhythmic hymn

In the material of existence, let my soul swim


Oh, Sidrah  Aslam, pen in hand

In the cosmic poetry, let me understand

A humble seeker, beneath the starry height

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