Heart Purification

Hearts With Vitality And Purity
Grant us hearts filled with energy and innocence.

Hazrat Wasif Ali Wasif, may Allah bless his soul, illuminates the path to heart correction with radiant wisdom.

LLet us beseech Allah, the Most Merciful, to grant us hearts brimming with vitality and purity. A heart imbued with health transcends the shackles of worldly desires. Yet, some may cling to these desires, mistaking them for necessities. However, we must shun this misconception.

For those ensnared by the allure of material possessions, liberation beckons. Shed the chains of covetousness, relinquish the thirst for riches and the yearning for acclaim. Instead, direct your love towards the Bestower of wealth, and watch as the tribulations dissipate into oblivion.

While cherishing one’s offspring is indeed virtuous, it is paramount to love them not solely for their own sake. Devotion solely to one’s children often begets distress, as one frets over their missteps. Understand that children are bestowed with their own destinies, separate from our own. Embrace them with the warmth of guidance, instilling in them the virtues of righteousness. Pray fervently for their prosperity, for in their success lies our own tranquillity.

Let us not bask in pride over our progeny nor lament over their perceived shortcomings. They tread their own paths, as we do ours. As they navigate the labyrinth of life, impart unto them the beacon of faith, and heed not the fleeting allure of worldly acclaim.

As we tread the journey of life, let us heed the divine injunctions to honour our parents. Shower them with tender words and extend to them the hand of compassion in their twilight years. For as they once cradled us in their arms, let us now envelop them in the embrace of filial piety. Let our prayers ascend to the heavens, intertwining with the supplications of our beloved elders.

In the symphony of existence, let the melody of prayers for our parents and progeny resound, echoing through the chambers of our hearts. For in these prayers lies the key to unlocking the gates of divine mercy, enveloping us in its boundless grace.

Sidrah Aslam

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